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Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
Year : 2021, Volume : 13, Issue : 3
First page : ( 452) Last page : ( 459)
Print ISSN : 0975-4261. Online ISSN : 0975-6892.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0975-6892.2021.00051.4

Antimutagenic activity of Annona squamosa leaf and seed solvent extracts by Salmonella microsome assay

Raj Sobiya D.1, Vennila J. Jannet1,,*, Manoharan Raja2

1Department of Biotechnology, School of Agriculture and Biosciences, Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Coimbatore-641114, Tamil Nadu

2National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata–700106, West Bengal, India

*Corresponding author e-mail: jannetvennila@gmail.com, jannet_r@karunya.edu

Online published on 23 September, 2021.


Annona squamosa is known for its edible fruit and frequently employed in folk medicine to treat various disorders. All parts of this plant have been shown to have medicinal properties, however, the most potent bioactive phytochemicals are reported in the leaves and seeds. This study evaluated the antimutagenic properties of solvent extracts of Annona squamosa leaves and seeds by Salmonella microsome assay. Leaves and seeds were extracted with different polarity solvents and S9 microsome fraction was prepared from the livers of rats. The antimutagenic potential of the extracts were tested at varying concentrations using Salmonella TA 100 against the standard mutagen sodium azide. The antimutagenicity was found to increase on the addition of S9 fraction, suggesting sodium azide as more mutagenic in the presence of the S9 fraction. Dose dependent antimutagenic activity of the extracts is also witnessed from our analysis of the data. Leaf extracts were observed to have strong antimutagenic potential than seed extracts. The polar (ethanol) extracts of leaves and seeds exhibited strong antimutagenic activity than dipolar (ethyl acetate) and non polar (carbon tetra chloride) solvents. This might be due to the presence of bioactive phenolic compounds, alkaloids and flavonoids in leaves which preferentially get extracted by polar solvents. Antimutagenic activity of plant extracts is important in the discovery of new and effective cancer preventing agents. Therefore, the ethanol extract of Annona squamosa leaves may be an attractive source to inhibit pathogenic processes resulting from exposure to mutagenic and/or carcinogenic substances present in the environment.



Annona squamosa, Custard apple, Leaves and seeds, Antimutagenic activity, Solvent extraction, Salmonella microsome assay.



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