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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2021, Volume : 35, Issue : 2
First page : ( 165) Last page : ( 173)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Impact of market intelligence on farm income in Krishna and scarce rainfall zones of Andhra Pradesh

Reddy G. Raghunadha, Gita B. Meher, Ketali Sneha S., Reddy M. Chandrasekhar1

Agricultural Market Intelligence Centre, ANGRAU, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

1Andhra Pradesh State Agriculture Mission, Govt. of AP.

Online published on 27 August, 2021.


The agricultural market environment is changing in very diverse ways locally and globally. These dynamics affect farm prices and thereby farm income. The majority of the farmers are unable to understand and interpret the market and price behavior to their advantage. Hence, market information and intelligence are crucial to enable farmers and traders to take decisions about what to grow, when to sell, and where to sell. In view of this, ANGR Agricultural University established Agricultural Market Intelligence Centre (AMIC) to provide market information to different stakeholders from time to time. This research article highlights the impact of price forecasts disseminated by AMIC, ANGRAU. The study was conducted in Krishna Zone and Scarce Rainfall Zone of Andhra Pradesh during 2019–20 with a sample of 440 farmers cultivating six major crops namely Groundnut, Chilli, Blackgram, Bengalgram, Turmeric and Greengram. Out of total sample, 37.5 per cent were aware of price forecasts disseminated through different sources and 18.63 per cent of farmers followed the advice of AMIC. The study revealed that on an average, each farmer who adopted the AMIC advice was benefited with an amount of Rs. 367 per quintal of sale proceeds.



AMIC, Adopters, Market Intelligence and Price forecasting.


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