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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 134) Last page : ( 139)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Employment and income of women in commercial ginger field in Lohit region of Arunachal Pradesh

Dr Mody Philip, Sr. Assistant Professor, Mihu Riko, Research Scholars, Tada Bengia, Research Scholars

Department of Commerce, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills

Online published on 4 July, 2012.


In agricultural sector, role of women is exceptionally significant. Many a times, she has been well placed even before male counterpart in terms of labor requirement yet less recognized and paid. Does the role of women in commercial ginger cultivation in Lohit region of Arunachal Pradesh. Around 75 percent of labor requirement is met through women alone in the ginger fields. Active participation of women in commercial ginger cultivation in place, the study area has made lots of incredible headways staying far ahead. Ginger cultivation provides sporadic employment to women of the region but generate good income to women which is on continual rise. Ginger field provides average of 48 days employment to a woman. It is found to have fetched a woman workers an average sum of Rs 3358 during a year. Infact, it's been a source of economic liberation of women ever raising their socio-economic status as being desired in this 21st century.

With this background in place, the present paper makes an attempt to analyze employability of ginger field to women in the Lohit region of Arunachal Pradesh. Moreover, the same also try to study women’ income off ginger fields.



Arunachal Pradesh, Ginger Cultivation, Lohit and Women.


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