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Year : 2023, Volume : 14, Issue : 4
First page : ( 215) Last page : ( 223)
Print ISSN : 0975-6795. Online ISSN : 2321-5828. Published online : 2023  06.
Article DOI : 10.52711/2321-5828.2023.00043

A study on risk management of Global Transportation service for Shipment with refernce to right Logistics International Pvt Ltd

Arivumalar R.1, Mohan S.2

1Assistant Professor (MBA), Department of Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engineering College – Chennai

2Professor and HOD, Department of Management Studies, Dr. N.G.P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Online Published on 6 February, 2024.

Received:  01  July,  2023; :  17  September,  2023; Accepted:  05  November,  2023.


This study investigates the risk management practices employed by Right Logistics. A global transportation services provider, in handling shipments. With the increasing complexity and globalization of supply chains, transportation service providers face numerous risks that can significantly impact their operations and customer satisfaction. This research aims to identify the various risks involved in global transportation services and analyse the risk management strategies implemented by Right Logistics International to mitigate these risks. The study adopts a qualitative research approach, utilizing interviews and surveys to gather data from key personnel within the organization, including management, operations, and logistics staff. The research focuses on key areas of risk in global transportation, such as delays, damages, theft, regulatory compliance, and geopolitical factors. The findings highlight the risk management framework employed by Right Logistics International, which includes proactive measures, such as thorough supplier vetting, risk assessment, and contingency planning. The study also explores the role of technology in risk management, including the use of tracking systems, Furthermore; the research examines the challenges faced by Right Logistics International in managing risks and provides recommendations for enhancing their risk management practices. These recommendations include establishing collaborative partnerships with stakeholders, adopting emerging technologies, enhancing employee training programs, and regularly reviewing and updating risk management strategies. The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing insights into risk management practices in the global transportation industry, specifically within Right Logistics International. The research findings can assist transportation service providers in understanding the importance of robust risk management strategies and provide guidance for improving their own risk management practices.



Risk management, Transportation services, Logistics, Shipments.



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