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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2022, Volume : 36, Issue : 3spl
First page : ( 164) Last page : ( 164)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Rural Women Entrepreneurship a Way for Economic Empowerment- A Case of Nutri Cereal Enterprise in Kolar District of Karnataka

Shashidhara S., Balaji P., Deepa N., Yazhini S.P.

Department of Agricultural and Rural Management, CARDS, TNAU, Coimbatore -641003

Online Published on 31 January, 2023.


The state of Karnataka, India is one of the top states in the nation for Nutri Cereals production and consumption. The state of Karnataka is pushing Nutri Cereals as nutritious, easy to grow, and earth-friendly cereals. Through a number of measures and making sure farmers receive their just compensation, the state government is working to make Nutri Cereals “The Food of the Future.” Self-help groups are a way to bring marginalized and poor individuals together to address their own problems. Rural low-income people who join self-help groups are assisted in developing the skills necessary to sustain and effectively run their organizations. It opened the door for more women to take part in decision-making processes in democratic systems, communities, and households.Women business owners are a significant driver of economic expansion. They also give society many answers to management, organisation, and business difficulties in addition to creating new jobs for themselves and others.Although more rural women are starting their own businesses, their socioeconomic contributions and entrepreneurial potential are still widely underappreciated. Vedhik Food Enterprises the Karnataka village of Gundamnatta in the Kolar district is one of the many women entrepreneurial Nutri Cereal based food business in Karnataka. By studying the business model of the SHG-powered Vedhik food industry, the objective of the study is to raise awareness about female entrepreneurship, the value of Nutri Cereals, and their value addition. This case is an example for all women who seek entrepreneurship and financial independence



Entrepreneurship, Women empowerment, Nutri cereals, Millets, Vedhik food enterprises, Kolar.


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