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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year : 2012, Volume : 33, Issue : 2
First page : ( 151) Last page : ( 156)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070. Online ISSN : 2249-5231.

Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield sustainability and soil fertility of forage cropping system

Pathan S. H.*, Kamble A. B.

All India Coordinated Research Project on Forage Crops, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri - 413 722 (Maharashtra), India

*Corresponding author e-mail: pathansarfraj85@gmail.com

Online published on 16 February, 2013.


An experiment was conducted to study the influence of inorganic alone and in combination with manures and biofertilizers on productivity of sorghum + cowpea – lucerne forage cropping system during 2006–07 to 2009–10. The four year pooled data revealed significantly higher green forage, dry matter and crude protein yield of sorghum (527.35, 110.50, 9.36 q ha −1), cowpea (286.27, 40.28, 7.13 q ha −1) and lucerne (724.33, 154.02, 29.15 q ha −1), respectively due to treatment T6-25% N through FYM + 50% N and 100% P, K through inorganic fertilizer + biofertilizer (Azotobacter/Rhizobium). However, it was found at par with treatment T2 -100% NPK through inorganic fertilizer and T3 - 25% N through FYM + 75% N 100% P, K through inorganic fertilizer in respect of green forage yield of sorghum and lucerne, whereas, in respect of dry matter and crude protein yield it was at par with treatment T 3 only. Under the sorghum + cowpea – lucerne forage cropping system, treatment T6 - application of 25% N through FYM + 50% NPK through inorganic fertilizer + biofertilizers recorded significantly highest gross returns, net returns and benefit: cost ratio (Rs. 1,91,981, Rs.1,01,815 per hectare and of 2.13, respectively). Similarly, the same treatment recorded maximum values for available N (253.43 kg/ha), NPK uptake and NPK use efficiency while treatment T4 - 50% N through FYM + 50% N and 100% P, K through inorganic fertilizer registered maximum values of available P and K content (19.43 and 385.13 kg/ha, respectively) in soil at harvest.



Economics, Fodder productivity, Integrated nutrient management, Nutrient uptake, Productivity, Recommended Dose of Fertilizer.


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