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TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research (TAJMMR)
Year : 2017, Volume : 6, Issue : 12
First page : ( 105) Last page : ( 116)
Online ISSN : 2279-0667.

Role of tfci in the development of tourism industry in India

Dr. Srivastava P. K.*

*Associate Professor Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration, S. D. (PG) College, Muzaffarnagar (U.P), India. Email id: premsri4577@gmail.com

Online published on 9 February, 2018.


Tourism is recognized as a major global service industry governed by the economic laws of supply and demand. The economic importance of tourism in national economy can be appreciated with reference to its contribution in employment generation. India has been a late starter in tourism. Understandably, immediately after independence the focus was on key areas like agriculture, industry, irrigation, infrastructure and the social sectors. It was only after 1980’s that tourism activity gained momentum. Considering the importance of tourism, the government of India decided that IFCI, which had been appointed as the nodal agency for financing tourism and allied activities, promoted a specialized all-India development financing institution to cater to the needs of the tourism industry. This paper is an attempt to analyze the working of TFCI Ltd towards the upliftment of tourism sector in India, which concludes that since its inception TFCI Ltd has been trying to strengthen the foundation of the tourism industry in India. Much remains yet to be done in order to achieve viable results and suggested that the government should address the problems involved and plug the loopholes on priority basis. The potential is there. It is waiting to fully exploit.



Eco-tourism, Domestic Tourism, Outbound Tourism, National Tourism, International Tourism, Sustainable Tourism.



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