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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year : 2013, Volume : 34, Issue : 1
First page : ( 62) Last page : ( 68)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070. Online ISSN : 2249-5231.

Effect of different sources of phosphate on the fodder productivity, phosphate budgeting and economics of Lucerne (Medicago sativa) cultivation in hot arid ecosystem of Rajasthan

Sharma K. C.*

Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Arid Region Campus, Bikaner - 334006, Rajasthan, India

Present address: Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Old Sehore Road, Indore, 452 001 (MP), India.

*Corresponding author email: kc_64sharma@yahoo.com

Online published on 14 August, 2013.


Field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2006–07 and 2007–08 at Bikaner to find out the effect of integrated use of phosphate through inorganic, organic and biofertilizer sources on the fodder productivity, phosphate balance and economics of lucerne (Medicago sativa L) cultivation. Results indicated that phosphate application through inorganic source significantly increased the growth attributes and fodder yields upto the level of 26.4 kg P/ha and recorded green fodder 51.8 t/ha and dry matter 11.44 t/ha. Thereafter, improvements were not significant. Maximum crude protein yield of 2.18 t/ha was observed at highest dose of P (39.6 kg/ha). However, it was statistically at par with 26.4 kg P/ha. Highest value of net returns (Rs. 45940/ha) and B: C ratio (2.45) was observed with 26.4 kg P/ha. Agronomic phosphate use efficiency (APUE) and Physiological phosphate use efficiency (PPUE) decreased with each increase in P levels up to 39.6 kg P/ha. Seed inoculation with Pseudomonas striata and application of sheep manure @ 10 t/ha registered significantly higher fodder yield and yield attributes as well as economic benefits. However, APUE by Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and APUE and PPUE by sheep manure were decreased as compared to their respective control. P application at higher dose of 39.6 kg/ha and sheep manure application resulted positive P balance, while P applications at 26.4 and 39.6 kg/ha, PSB inoculation and sheep manure application registered higher values of net change in available P content of soil as residual soil fertility. The results show that 26.4 kg P/ha alongwith PSB inoculation and sheep manure application @ 10 t/ha were useful for getting higher and quality fodder yield of lucerne along with improved soil fertility.



Alfalfa, Economics, Fodder, Lucerne, Phosphate, Phosphate solubilizing bacteria, Pseudomonas striata, Sheep manure, Soil fertility.


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