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Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology
Year : 2015, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 46) Last page : ( 50)
Print ISSN : 2394-2118. Online ISSN : 2394-2126.

Supine or standing hamstring stretch: Which is effective for flexibility? A comparative study towards analysis of a mystery

Tiwari Mukesh*Professor,  Saurabh, Resident

Department of Orthopaedic, NIMS Medical College, Jaipur

*Corresponding Author: E-mail: wakeuptum@gmail.com

Online published on 16 April, 2015.



To find and compare the effectiveness of standing and supine hamstrings stretching techniques in increasing hamstring flexibility.


A Total of 25 subjects were selected for the study from girl's hostel at NIMS University by random sampling. The design used was experimental design. A plastic hand held full circle goniometer was used to measure the hamstring flexibility. Crossbar was used to maintain hip in 90 degree flexion during active knee extension test. A stop watch was used for the time management.


The change in Pre stretching and Post stretching values of knee extension ramge of motion(in degrees) was 9.77±5.54 in right and 9.66±4.35. The comparison of post stretching mean range of motion was 145.27 while standing and 143.61 while in supine position. The mean increase range of motion by standing ans supine hamstring stretching technique were 9.77 on standing and 9.66 while in supine position.


Improvement in the knee extension range of motion as calculated were approximately equal. The “t” value calculated was 0.11, which was not significant at any level. Thus, standing hamstring and supine hamstring stretching techniques are equally effective in improving hamstring flexibility.


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