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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 4
First page : ( 264) Last page : ( 270)
Print ISSN : 2231-5667. Online ISSN : 2231-5675.
Article DOI : 10.52711/2231-5675.2022.00044

A critical review on current devloping non-invasive glucose monitoring technologies and devices

Patel Ajay I, Rachhadiya Jenish*, Vadariya Purvi, Vyas Amitkumar J., Patel Ashok B.

Tapan Heights, C-304, Near Matuki Restaurent 80 Feet Ring Road, Vavdi, Rajkot - 04, Gujarat

*Corresponding Author E-mail: jenishrachhadiya77@gmail.com

Online published on 4 March, 2023.


Diabetes mellitus both type I and type II, is a dangerous and lifelong disorder marked by unusually high blood glucose levels caused by a failure of insulin synthesis or a loss in insulin sensitivity and function. Diabetes have become more common over time, and it is now considered one of the primary causes of high death and morbidity rates. Complications from diabetes can be avoided by regularly monitoring and keeping blood glucose levels within the normal range. Despite the fact that practically all commercially effective blood glucose monitoring devices are invasive, there is an urgent need to create non-invasive glucose monitoring (NGM) devices that would relieve diabetics' pain and suffering associated with repeated skin pricking for glucose testing. It also discusses the most common non-invasive glucose monitoring technologies as well as the most relevant devices. The technology name, the underlying physical principle, and the technological limitation in the human body. There are eleven technologies and five devices in all. Despite numerous fascinating and promising ideas and devices, the review concluded that a suitable solution to the non-invasive glucose monitoring problem still required more work.



Types of diabetes, Method for Glucose Measurement, Non-invansive techniques, Glucose Monitoring Devices.


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