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Indian Journal of Gerontology
Year : 2021, Volume : 35, Issue : 2
First page : ( 257) Last page : ( 275)
Print ISSN : 0971-4189.

Emotional concerns of the elderly during coronavirus pandemic in India

Bhardwaj Tushti, Bhardwaj Sarla1

Social Work Department, B.R. Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110094

1Department of Mathematics, B.R. Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110094

Online published on 10 September, 2021.


The present study aimed to understand the emotional concerns of the elderly during the pandemic situation in India. An online survey using google form was conducted for the collection of data. A sample of 135 educated elderly (Male= 84; Female=40 and 5 respondents did not mention their gender) age varying from 60 years and above, was selected for this research through snowball sampling techniques. The findings revealed that the elderly experienced multiple difficulties during the coronavirus pandemic which included arranging for essential medicine, access to hospitals, transport services for visiting hospitals, managing household chores, and arranging necessities. In comparison to females, managing day-to-day life was much difficult for the male elderly. Females experienced higher emotional concerns than males. The fear of death and anxieties about coronavirus were high among females. In comparison to the young elderly, the older or the oldest old experienced more stress. The study recommends that emotional interventions must focus on female elderly to help them feel at peace. The elderly between 65–70 years of age need more emotional support and care to adapt to the changing life situations. Thus, human service professionals must focus on psychosocial interven tions for the elderly between 65–70 years as they are more vulnerable to disturbing emotions.



Elderly, Emotional concerns, Coronavirus, Pandemic.



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