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Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports Medicine & Exercise Science
Year : 2014, Volume : 14, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 32) Last page : ( 33)
Print ISSN : 0976-1101. Online ISSN : 2456-737X.

Comparison of coordinative abilities between table tennis and badminton players

Dr. Purashwani Pushpendra

Asst. Professor, L.N.I.P.E, Gwalior (M.P.), India

Online published on 15 April, 2019.


The purpose of the study was to compare the coordinative abilities between table tennis and badminton players. The selected coordinative abilities were Orientation Abilities, Differentiation Abilities, Reaction Abilities, Balance Ability and Rhythm Abilities. Twenty table tennis and twenty badminton male players of national and inter university level in the age group of19 to 24 were selected as subjects of the study. The selected coordinative abilities tests for the purpose of data collection were Numbered Medicine Ball Run Test, Backward Medicine Ball Throw Test, Long Nose Test, Ball Reaction Exercise Test and Sprint At Given Rhythm Test. T-test was employed to find outthe significance difference between table tennis and badminton players in the five coordinative abilities. No significant difference was found in the coordinative abilities of table tennis and badminton players.



Balance Ability, Orientation Ability and Rhythm Abilitiy.


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