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Motifs : A Peer Reviewed International Journal of English Studies
Year : 2021, Volume : 7, Issue : SI
First page : ( 64) Last page : ( 74)
Print ISSN : 2454-1745. Online ISSN : 2454-1753.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-1753.2021.00024.6

The Concept of Discourse in Relation with Law and Language and Michael Foucault

Dr. Patil Ravindra

Associate Professor, Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Pune, Maharashtra, India, Email id: shyamap28@gmail.com

Online Published on 19 January, 2022.


The author examines the concept of discourse with its different meanings and its understandings by various critics as discourse has acquired a whole new palette of diverse meanings in the past few decades. The discussion in the paper covers the areas of law and language in relation with discourse; both law and language are parts of society. Language being a medium for law, law is mediated, interpreted and constructed through language. As a result, legal discourse is formed with different ideologies sweeping through it. In view of this kind of formation, Michael Foucault's idea of discourse is significant to analyse the role of law in our society and its formation.



Discourse, Discursive formation, Language, Law, Legal discourse.


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