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International Journals of Marketing and Technology
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 6
First page : ( 156) Last page : ( 175)
Online ISSN : 2248-1058.

Management of Corporate Liquidity and Profitability: An Empirical study

Dr. Vijayakumar A.

Associate Professor, Commerce, Erode Arts and Science College, Erode-638 009, Tamil Nadu

Online published on 29 June, 2013.


The primary aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between Cash Conversion Cycle(Liquidity) and firms’ profitability. The analysis based on a sample of 20 Indian Automobile firms for the period 1996–2009. The results suggest that the managers can increase profitability of their firms by shortening the cash conversion cycle, accounts receivables period and inventory conversion period. The results suggest that managers can also increase the profitability of their firms by lengthening the accounts payables period. The study suggest an optimal cash conversion cycle as more accurate and comprehensive measures of liquidity analysis.



profitability, Accounts Receivables Period, Inventory Conversion Period, Accounts Payable Period, Cash Conversion Cycle, Automobile industry, Liquidity analysis.



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