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International Journals of Marketing and Technology
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 4
First page : ( 130) Last page : ( 145)
Online ISSN : 2248-1058.

Customer satisfaction of retail consumers with special relevance to organized retail outlets in Chennai City

J. Anita Priscilla1, Dr.  Shanthi2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Women's Christian College, Chennai-6

2Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, University of Madras, Chennai-5

Online published on 27 June, 2013.


In the present era, customer is the center point of all marketing activities. Creating and maintaining a regular assessment of consumer satisfaction is therefore very important for business managers, marketers and retailers as well as financial managers among others (Wilkie, 1986). The objective of the present research is to examine the relationship between customer satisfaction and store-related and consumer-related factors which leads to loyalty to a particular retail outlet. The consumer-related factors are minimal checkout delay, security, assistance available and convenience. The store-related factors are internal and external design, product category assortment and good management. On surveying 141 organized retail shoppers in Chennai city it was found that there was significant relationship between consumer-related and store-related factors and customer satisfaction except product assortment factor. So by identifying the factors that satisfy customers, with the relevant innovative strategies will help the Indian retailers to satisfy customers and build a long lasting relationship.



Customer Satisfaction, Customer-related factors – Minimal check out delay, security, Assistance available and Convenience, Store-related factors – Internal External design, Product category assortment and Good management.


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