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Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology
Year : 2015, Volume : 2, Issue : 3
First page : ( 145) Last page : ( 147)
Print ISSN : 2394-2118. Online ISSN : 2394-2126.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2394-2126.2015.00008.0

Expression of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) in the Trigeminal Ganglion of Male Wistar Rats

Sankaran P.K.*Assistant Professor, Kumaresan M., Tutor, Karthikeyan G., Assistant Professor, Yuvaraj M., Tutor

Dept. of Anatomy, Saveetha Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai

*Corresponding Author: Email: drpks@live.com

Online published on 18 December, 2015.


Background Significance

The pseudounipolar neurons in the sensory ganglia are wrapped by small satellite cells which play a similar role like Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system. The pseudounipolar cells of trigeminal ganglion are surrounded by a capsule formed by satellite glial cells. These satellite glial cells play important role in maintaining normal functions of the neuron.

Aim & Objective

To localise GFAP in satellite glial cells of trigeminal ganglion.

Material & Methods

Six male wistar albino rats trigeminal ganglion were collected and immunohistochemically stained for GFAP in six male wistar albino rats.


GFAP was localised in the cytoplasm of satellite glial cells surrounding the neurons. GFAP was also localised around Schwaan cells of an axon.


GFAP is an intermediate protein which can get up regulated due to peripheral axonal injury. This GFAP can trigger mediators of inflammation and create a neuralgia or migraine like conditions.


This study concluded that satellite cells are type of glial cells that express GFAP. This GFAP was also expressed by Schwaan cells surrounding the axon.



GFAP, Trigeminal ganglion, Satellite glial cells, Pseudounipolar neurons.


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