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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2021, Volume : 35, Issue : 3
First page : ( 95) Last page : ( 115)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Trends in arrival and prices of major fruit and vegetables in APMC Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

Sharma Isha1, Kumari Shailja1

Department of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, India

Department of Social Sciences, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, India

Online published on 9 March, 2022.


Trends in arrival and prices of vegetable crops indicated that the prices of all the vegetable crops increased however arrival did not show any definite pattern during 2011–2015. The study revealed that variation in prices of vegetable crops was lower compared to variation in their arrivals in all the selected markets of APMC Kullu and Lahul-spiti. Compound annual growth rate analysis showed that during 2011–2015 prices of apple pear and peas increased in Bhuntar, Kullu and Bandrol market, however the prices of cauliflower, Tomato and plum decreased in the three markets. Seasonality in prices of fruit crops varied from 0.23 per cent to 0.68 per cent whereas in vegetable crops it varied from 0.53 per cent to 1.37 per cent. Seasonality in arrival of fruit crops varied from 6.81 per cent to 93.00 per cent whereas in vegetable crops it was 1.78 per cent to 63.29 per cent Seasonality in arrival was higher compared to seasonality in prices because of local nature of arrival whereas demand for fruit and vegetable was more which resulted in lower seasonality in prices.


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