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Journal of Income & Wealth (The)
Year : 2021, Volume : 43, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 104) Last page : ( 122)
Print ISSN : 0974-0309. Online ISSN : 0974-0295.

Education satellite account for Uttarakhand

Munjal Poonam1,*, Pant Manoj2,**, Alam Asrar3,***

1Senior Fellow, National Council of Applied Economic Research, 11, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002, India

2Additional Chief Executive Officer, Department of Planning, Govt of Uttarakhand, New Delhi, India

3Senior Research Analyst, National Council of Applied Economic Research, 11, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002

*Corresponding author email id: pmunjal@ncaer.org



Online published on 17 May, 2022.


Education Satellite Account (ESA) is a new concept for India and is not common in international context as well. The account provides an estimate of the total expenditure on education and training and the breakdown of various expenditures. It also includes the identification of the financing arrangements for these expenditures. ESAs aim to provide the financial data for all levels of education, covering all sources of finances and data for types of educational providers in a systematic and comprehensible manner by using a structured methodology. If there is disparity in distribution of resources, it helps in identifying the groups which are disadvantaged so that policy makers can allocate funds accordingly, hence improving learning outcomes. According to the framework set by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an ESA typically presents the financial flows within the education domain, which is organized into a set of activities and products, across the levels of education. This paper presents the first sub-national level Education Satellite Account or State Education Account for Uttarakhand for 2017–18, prepared for the study undertaken by National Council of Applied Economic Research for Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Uttarakhand.



Sub-national accounts, Education satellite account, Economic growth, Public.



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