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Year : 2011, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 72) Last page : ( 77)
Print ISSN : 2231-0681. Online ISSN : 2231-069X. Published online : 2011  1.

On- the - Spot Challenges: A Practical Approach to Effective Training

Nandy Tapati1,*, Das Barnishikha2,**, Mahapatra Ramchandra3,***

1Faculty, Institute of Business & Computer Studies, SOA University, Bhubaneswar

2Founder & Chief Learning Officer – Veloxian Learning and Consultancy, Bhubaneswar

3Faculty, Institute of Business & Computer Studies, SOA University, Bhubaneswar

*Email – tapati.nandy@gmail.com

**Email – mahapatra.ramchandra@gmail.com

***Email – barnishikha@veloxian.com


Imagine a class where the learner is actively participating and coming out with solutions to on-the-job issues. A class organized on solving real-world issues, in the spirit of the exhortation made famous by John Lennon to “think globally, act where the goal was to reach out to any discipline that could provide a piece of the solution, where learners helped steer other participants to useful resources and knowledge. A class; to which the outcomes would be absolutely authentic. A class; that would touch upon all the essential 21st century skills listed recently by over 40 leading companies. Imagine further that in this class, more than 95% of the learners would self-report that they were deeply engaged, and that they routinely worked in groups, accessed the Internet for just-in-time tools and resources, and used the web and digital media to richly communicate their solutions. The hope of everyone involved in the project is that these ideas will take root and generate more fresh thinking, and new ways of bringing learners to the knowledge and skills they will need in a challenging world. What we know will not work are the short-sightedness, bolt-on marginal approaches, or strategies that put too much distance between the world learners see before them and the material they are asked to master. Today's trainers recognize the benefits of using active learning rather than lecturing. The key to successful active learning is to offer the learners “On the Spot Challenges” — challenges that are neither too hard nor too easy and are effective as means of reinforcing important content areas. This article presents seven ways to incorporate on-the-spot challenges in to the training, in order to improve the impact and effectiveness of learning.



On - the - Spot, Training, Effectiveness.



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