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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 8
First page : ( 91) Last page : ( 105)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Role of self help group (bachat gat) in development of rural economy

Mr. Patil Sanjaykumar Jagannath*, Ms. Patil Yogita Sanjaykumar**

*Assistant Professor, Marketing Management, Indira Institute of Management, Wakad, Pune, Maharashtra  India.

**Student, Marketing Management, Godavari Institute of Management and Research, Jalgaon, Pune, Maharashtra  India.


Self Help Group (SHG) is a small voluntary association of poor people preferably from the same Socio-Economic Background. Self Help Group (SHG) comes from the people's desires to meet their needs and determine their own destines through the principle “by the people, for the people and of the people”.Self – help emphasizes self-reliance, self production and self-employment by mobilizing internal resource of the persons, the group or the community. They come together for the purpose of solving their common problems through self-help and mutual help.

The SHG normally work for the women empowerment. The SHG is the process by which a group of 10–20 women with common objectives are facilitated to come together voluntarily to participate in the development activities such as saving, credit and income generation thereby ensuring economical independence. SHG brings group consciousness among women, sense of belonging, adequate self confidence and increase in income level.

The Objectives of thispaper is to study the Contribution of Self Help Group (Bachat Gat) in Economical and Personal Development of Self Help Group (Bachat Gat) members and Impact of this Economical and Personal Development on Rural Economy.

From this paper it is observed that due to the SHG (Bachat Gat), its members get chance to increase their income by participating in various activities of SHG. This employment gives them money for spending on their needs and wants.

The Research concluded that due to the role of SHG, members increase their Economical status in the community by increasing their income. The members improve their Personal life style and living standard by their increased income and spending on their needs and wants. These members increased their consumption from market. This increased consumption reflects the ultimate Development in Rural Economy.



Self Help Group, Bachat Gat, Personal Development, Economical status, empowerment.


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