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Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
Year : 2021, Volume : 13, Issue : 3
First page : ( 409) Last page : ( 426)
Print ISSN : 0975-4261. Online ISSN : 0975-6892.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0975-6892.2021.00047.2

Emergence of potential threats by Cucumber mosaic virus on medicinal and aromatic plants: detection, characterization and their management strategies

Sinha Soumya1,,2, Gautam Karmveer Kumar1, Samad Abdul1,,2,,*

1Plant Pathology Department, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, P.O. CIMAP, Lucknow-226015, Uttar Pradesh, India

2Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad-201002, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author e-mail: samad_cimap@yahoo.co.in

Online published on 23 September, 2021.


Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are known to have great significance in our day to day life. They are highly valuable agriculture commodity that is significantly providing employment opportunities, money and contributing desperately to upgrade the food security condition worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) evaluated that about 80% population of Asian and African countries presently uses herbal medicine for some or other aspect of primary healthcare. Emerging plant viruses cause huge loss to this sector. Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) is one of the highly destructive plant viruses which infected more than 1200 crops including dicots and monocots throughout the world. MAPs have been reported as a natural host of CMV since a long time and its infection is increasing at alarming state. Although, many reports of MAPs infecting CMV are present in the literature, however, compiled information is lacking. Present review contains current status of MAPs infected by CMV in the world. This review also describes the modern techniques and tools used for CMV detection and management.



Medicinal and aromatic plants, Cucumber mosaic virus, Genetic diversity, Molecular characterization, Phylogenetic analysis, Management.



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