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Recent Advances in Psychology
Year : 2015, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 67) Last page : ( 79)
Print ISSN : 2395-5465.

Yoga: Enhancing Well-being of Younger and Older Generation

Chaudhary Nisha1, Chadha N.K.2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, (Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi)

2Professor, Department of Psychology, (University of Delhi)

Online published on 27 November, 2018.


Human life is a continuous process of growth and decay, beginning from infancy and gradually coming to old age through childhood and adulthood and it ultimately terminates with death. Old age comes to everyone of us. Old age has been seen and is related to the decline in the physical functioning of a person, it even affects the functions played by different organs in our body. Nevertheless, the other side of getting old is deep knowledge of oneself, serenity and a feeling of wholeness. It is this side of old age, its aspects and its future, on which the current study is focused. The enhancement of positive working in old age has been long associated with spiritual activities. This study aims to find the effect of yoga on the well being levels of elderly and also seeks to compare addescints with elderly people in terms of the enhancement of well being through yoga. Standardized tool (Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWB), was used to measure well being in both groups. Yoga classes were undertaken for 1 month by 30 participants each in both groups and a pre and post analysis was done. Results clearly showed an increase in the level of well being in both the groups but in the case of adolescents it was much higher.



Yoga, Adolescents, Elderly.


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