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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 6
First page : ( 2044) Last page : ( 2048)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Rural Women Participation in Farming Activities of Shivamogga District of Karnataka State

Sowjanya S.1,*, Manjunath B. K.2, Sudha C. K.1, Choudary L. V. Srikanth1

1Department of Agril. Extension, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru

2Department of Agril. Extension, UAS, Dharwad

*Email: souju.janya@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


Rural women play a pivotal role in farming. They remain busy from dawn to dusk in various agricultural activities, including pre-harvest to postharvest. Their participation is well dispersed but less perceived because of insufficient data to show their active involvement in various agricultural activities. Keeping these points in mind, this study was designed to explore the extent of women's participation in various agricultural activities in Shivamogga district. A total of 160 rural women were selected through proportionate random sampling and interviewed with a well-designed, pre-tested interview schedule. The data were analysed using appropriate statistical tool. The findings showed that cutting, picking, cleaning of grains, drying of grains, storage, processing, weeding, winnowing are the major farm operations mainly performed by farm women. Participation of farm women in agriculture was significantly affected by socio-economic variables like-age, family income, land holding. It is recommended that a female extension wing should be established at district level to train and provide services to rural women. Women training centers should be established at district level whose responsibility to conduct training for rural women on different agricultural activities to enhance their knowledge and skills in agriculture and allied aspects so that they can contribute in a better way in the national economy.



Participation, Rural Women, Extension, Winnowing And Farming.


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