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Year : 2023, Volume : 12, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 57) Last page : ( 66)
Print ISSN : 2319-3581. Online ISSN : 2456-7523. Published online : 2023  06.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2456-7523.2023.00007.1

Postpartum Depression among Women and its Impact on Child Growth

Tyagi Poonam*, Chowdhary Richa

Delhi School of Social Work (University of Delhi), Delhi, India

*Email id: poonamtyagi61@gmail.com

Online Published on 06 December, 2023.

Received:  24  ,  2023; Accepted:  10  October,  2023.


Postpartum depression is a difficult mental stage with a pervasiveness somewhere in the range of 5 Per cent and 60.8 Per cent worldwide. Getting pregnant and giving birth to a new life the most joyful face for every mother. However, women get affect with postpartum depression, she started fear to introduce her new introduction to anyone. Insecurity about herself or about child makes her life suspicious and she started getting cut with everyone. The sickness shows as sleep problems, mood swings, changes in eating habit, fear of getting injury, much concern about the child, feeling vulnerability and crying, feeling of insecurity, trouble in concentrating, absence of interest in all most all the activities, Thinking about death and suicide. Feelings of sadness in serious instances of disease can compromise life and lead to suicide; it is a factor that causes 20 percent of maternal passing’s in the course in the wake of giving birth. Moreover, issues like dread of hurting the child 36 per cent, frail connection to the child 34 per cent and even, in outrageous cases, youngster self-destruction endeavours have been reported. These manifestations affect family health. Therefore, affected individuals should be recognized before conveyance to get appropriate consideration measures. Postpartum depression is a debilitating state of mental disorder with a high prevalence worldwide. The aim of this article is to explore this area and intervene for suggestions. Also, we will find out that how it is impacting child growth.



Depression, Postpartum depression, Depression among women, Child growth, Child cognitive development.



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