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South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 10
First page : ( 54) Last page : ( 63)
Online ISSN : 2249-877X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-877X.2016.00024.2

A study of buying behaviour of online customers: antecedents and dimensions

Saini Aakriti

Assistant Professor, Delhi University

Online published on 12 December, 2016.


In this era of globalisation, cross border selling and to survive the cut throat competition, marketers, corporate houses, manufacturers and producers of well known and establishes brands are using internet as a medium to communicate, market and to eventually sell off their products to the present as well as the potential consumers. In this information era, where the society and individuals are adapting themselves to the various changes taking place in the external as well as their internal environment, the use of computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and internet have become indispensable tools for one's life. According to Internet World Stats ’statistics (November 2015) today more than seven billion people are linked to the Internet. This number shows that 46.4 percent of the world population use the Internet. It has also been predicted that soon India would overtake China in terms of the largest base of internet users.

The following sections of this paper highlight the buying behaviour of online customers, theories and models. A consumer mindset while purchasing online i.e. goal oriented consumer behaviour and experimental oriented consumer behaviour. It identifies the five dimensions of online buying experience based on web usability, onsite resources, customer confidence, relationship services and price leadership. Further it talks about the antecedent characteristics of the consumer behaviour in an online medium with the direction for future research.



Buying Behaviour, Online consumers, Online Purchases, Internet Environment, Goal Oriented.



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