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TNNMC Journal of Community Health Nursing
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 21) Last page : ( 24)
Print ISSN : 2322-0244. Online ISSN : 2456-6969.

Structured teaching programme on disposal of waste

 Kirubavathi*,  Kokilavani**

*PG Scholar, Adhiparasakthi College of Nursing, Melmaruvathur

**Principal and Head of the Department-Research, Adhiparasakthi College of Nursing, Melmaruvathur

Online published on 23 May, 2017.


Waste disposal is a growing problem worldwide and is directly connected to industrial development and population growth. Although there have been recent advancement in waste disposal, it remains an overall public safety and environmental health issue that countries around the world continue to address. A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on disposal of waste among adults in Thandalam Village at Kancheepuram district. Quasi experimental design was adopted, 100 samples between age of 20–50 years participated in the study. The result revealed that there was a lack of knowledge among the adults about disposal of waste. After the teaching there was statistically significant improvement in the knowledge of waste disposal which will help them in managing the waste.



Waste disposal, Structured teaching, Knowledge on waste disposal.


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