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Journal of PEARLDENT
Year : 2014, Volume : 5, Issue : 1
First page : ( 31) Last page : ( 36)
Print ISSN : 0976-0180. Online ISSN : 2229–4457.

A survey on prevalence of work related musculoskeletal disorder among the dentists in Vadodara city -a questionnaire based study.

Dr. Vora Alpa, Professor, Dr. Ramdev Neha*Post graduate student, Dr. Parekh Vaishali, Professor and Head, Dr. Shah Nimisha, Professor

Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics, K.M Shah Dental College and Hospital, Piparia, Vadodara

*Address For Correspondance: Dr. Neha Ramdev, Post graduate student, Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics, K M shah dental college and hospital, piparia, Vadodara

Online published on 7 April, 2014.



A survey on prevalence of work related musculoskeletal disorder among the dentists in Vadodara city -a questionnaire based study.


A self-administered questionnaire based survey on 100 dentists practicing in Vadodara city. The study was conducted in the month of July-August 2013, taking the population of 100 dentists registered to local Indian Dental Association branch. The sample size was found to be 86 active participants. All participants were contacted about study details, informed verbal consent was obtained from all the participants and questionnaire was given to all the dentists, who agreed for participation. The other criteria for form distribution was male and female ratio, where 50 forms were distributed to males and remaining 50 to females owning their clinics.


The prevalence rate of musculoskeletal disorders amongst the dentists of Vadodara city is 62%. The study identifies certain risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal pain which are due to lack of awareness about correct working posture, increase in frequency of using vibrating instruments, prolonged static postures, performing exaggerated flexions or cervical torsions, inadequate operating stools and lack of exercises. Adopting adequate postures in clinical practice and having a favourable work environment could reduce the frequency of musculoskeletal pain thus avoiding an early retirement from the profession.


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