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JIMS8I - International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology
Year : 2014, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 77) Last page : ( 83)
Online ISSN : 2347-7202.

Python as a tool for web server application development

Taneja Sheetal1, Gupta Pratibha R.2

1Dyal Singh College, Computer Science Department, University of Delhi. Email: sheetaltaneja1@gmail.com

2Sri Aurobindo College, Computer Science Department, University of Delhi. Email: gpratibha11@gmail.com

Online published on 22 June, 2017.


With evolution of web, several competitive languages such as Java, PHP, Python, Ruby are catching the attention of the developers. Recently Python has emerged as a popular and the preferred web programming language, because of its simplicity to code and ease of learning. Being a flexible language, it offers fast development of web based applications. It offers development using CGI and WSGI. Web development in Python is aided by the powerful frameworks such as Django, web2py, Pyramid, and Flask that Python supports. Thus Python promises to emerge as one of the preferred choice language for web applications.



Python, Web server application development, frameworks, WSGI, CGI, PHP, Ruby.


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