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Journal International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Year : 2017, Volume : 30, Issue : 1
First page : ( 33) Last page : ( 39)
Print ISSN : 2250-012X. Online ISSN : 2229-4449.

Enhancing Resilience of The North Indian Power System Against Pollution and Foggy Weather-An Experience

Agrawal V.K., Baba K.V.S., Narasimhan S.R., Porwal R.K., Yadav Nitin, Gupta Ankit, Goyal S.S.

Power System Operation Corporation Limited, India

Online published on 6 January, 2017.


The electricity delivery system is one of the critical infrastructures for the development of any country. The transmission lines criss-crosses length and breadth of the country and therefore is susceptible to the impact of weather. With the rising economic activity, the dependence on the electricity on one hand and pollution levels on other hand increases considerably.

Northern part of India physically lies in ‘gangetic plains’ which are prone to foggy conditions during night and early morning hours of winter months. Therefore, northern part of the country's power system faces these foggy weather conditions. During such climatic conditions, power system has to endure repeated tripping of number of extra high voltage (EHV) lines and thus jeopardising the security and reliability of the electricity delivery system. In order to increase the resilience of the electricity grid against such on slaught of the weather phenomenon, analysis was carried out and actions have been taken, both for improving the physical infrastructure as well as at control centre level.

This paper presents the experiences of Northern Regional power system over the years from effect of foggy weather conditions and pollution, measures adopted to mitigate the adverse effect on power system and results based on the analysis of overall improvement in system resilience.



Insulator, Flashover, Polymer, Pollution, Fog, Weather, System Operation, Phasor Measurement Unit.


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