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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 5
First page : ( 48) Last page : ( 61)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

The Professional Perception of Social Workers Working In Healthcare1

Sevinc Ismail1, Kirlioglu Huriye Irem Kalayci2, Kirlioglu Mehmet3

1Associate Professor, University of Selcuk, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, Konya, Turkey

2Research Assistant, University of Selcuk, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Social Work, Konya, Turkey

3Research Assistant, University of Selcuk, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Social Work, Konya, Turkey

Online published on 20 June, 2019.


Healthcare is one of the areas of social work profession effect on such as childhood, disability, senility, forensic areas etc. The social workers who work on this area are the member of a team that is consist of professionals such as doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists. The purpose of social workers working in healthcare is to solve the problems that patients face to face and work to ensure the wellbeing of these patients with the professional team. In this area like the others, the profession's ethical codes and practice guidelines are based. The social workers work in healthcare use the Professional approaches such as psychodynamic, psychosocial, cognitive behavioral, reinforcement, system and ecological while trying to protect the fundamental rights of the individuals and human values in their practices. The aim of this research is to determine perceptions of medical social workers concerning medical social work. This research was designed based on gualitative research design. The metaphor of data collection technique which is used widely in qualitative research design was preferred. The "Why?" question which is immediately followed by the question that asks to the participants "If you want to liken the medical social work a name, a city, an object or a superhero, what it would be" is the most important point of these kind of investigations. Thus, the research was carried



Healthcare, Medical Social Work, Social Worker, Metaphors, Konya.



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