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Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 42, Issue : 3
First page : ( 307) Last page : ( 313)
Print ISSN : 0971-4456. Online ISSN : 0976-0563.
Article DOI : 10.18805/ajdfr.DRF-311

The effect of incorporating date waste and Saccharomyces cerevisiae into the diet of ouled djellel ewes during early lactation and late lactation

Benatallah S.A.1,2,3,*, Lakhdara N.1, Lakhdari K.2, Boussaada T.2, Kherraze M.E.2, Boukhechem S.1, Dib A.L.1

1Laboratoire de Recherche Gestion Sante et Productions Animales (GSPA), Institut des Sciences Veterinaires El-Khroub, Universite des Freres Mentouri Constantine 1, Constantine, 25000, Algeria

2Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique sur les Regions Arides (CRSTRA), Campus Universitaire, Universite Mohamed Khider, Biskra, 07000, Algeria

3Centre de Recherche en Sciences Pharmaceutiques (CRSP), Nouvelle Ville Ali Mendjeli, Zone d'activites ZAM, Constantine, Algeria

*Corresponding Author: S.A. Benatallah, Laboratoire de Recherche Gestion Sante et Productions Animales (GSPA), Institut des Sciences Veterinaires El-Khroub, Universite des Freres Mentouri Constantine 1, Constantine, 25000, Algeria, Email: amira.benatallahsalha@doc.umc.edu.dz

Online published on 1 November, 2023.



This study aims to determine the effects of supplementary diets with date waste and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on biochemical parameters in Ouled Djellel ewes at early and late lactation.


Thirty pregnant ewes, were divided into 5 groups. All ewes received wheat straw (1 kg),in addition to wheat straw, the control group (33CON) received 500 g of concentrate. The other groups (8.33REB, 25REB, 16REB, 16REBsc) were fed with a mixture of date waste and concentrate in different proportions and Saccharomyces cerevisiae at a rate of 2 gr/ewe for the 5th group. Blood samples were collected at the beginning and at the end of lactation to determine biochemical profile by spectrophotometry. Feed analyses were performed according to AOAC standards.


Ewes fed the 8.33REB, 25REB, 16.6REB, 16.6REBsc rations had lower serum levels for the majority of biochemical parameters compared to the 33CON control group. The results indicated that serum glucose, aspartate aminotransferase and urea decreased slightly in the groups supplemented with date waste and Saccharomyces cervicea (P<0.05) whereas, albumin and cholesterol were marginally significant. Therefore, date waste could be distributed, partially to ewes as an alternative to concentrate.



Datewaste, Ewes, Metabolic profiling, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.



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