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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year : 2012, Volume : 33, Issue : 2
First page : ( 129) Last page : ( 132)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070. Online ISSN : 2249-5231.

Genetic variability and association studies in Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre

Kumar Rakesh*

Department of Forestry & NR, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004 (Punjab), India

*Corresponding author email: gargk72@rediffmail.com

Online published on 16 February, 2013.


Seventeen seed sources of Pongamia pinnata were selected from natural populations on the basis of morphometric characters to identify suitable seed sources for incorporation in mass afforestation programmes. Significant genetic variability and association was observed among seed sources for pod, seed and seedling traits. High estimates of heritability and high genetic advance for germination percentage, 100-seed weight and 100-pod weight was recorded. Pod thickness, 100-pod weight, seed length, seed breadth, and seed thickness showed high and positive correlation with 100-seed weight. Path analysis revealed that number of branches; seed thickness, internodal distance and pod breadth had the highest direct effect on 100-seed weight and can be collectively used as selection criteria for improvement of this tree species. Seed sources PB-7, PB-2 and PB-16 were found to be best on the basis of most of the characters.



Biofuel, Correlation, Genetic gain, Heritability, Variation, Path analysis, Pongamia pinnata.



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