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Year : 2006, Volume : 24, Issue : 2
First page : ( 22) Last page : ( 26)
Print ISSN : 0970-5554. Online ISSN : 2456-8961.

Communication Support for Agricultural Development

Sihgh Ganga Sager

Faculty Member of School of Journlism and Mass communication, I.M.S, Nioda. U.P

Online published on 21 July, 2018.


Media have become an instrument of maximum profits for the company ’who owns it. So what is the solution? The only solution seems to develop and establish such medium for agriculture communications; which is owned by people engaged in agriculture for their livelihood-and community radio can be a step forward in this regard. Now companies and big business houses leave little hope for agriculture, to highlight their trials and tribulations from the existing media of mass communications owned by companies by big business houses. People engaged in agriculture: require awareness about various schemes announced by the Govt. How they can avail the facilities and use them to enhance their pathetic conditions. India is a country of diverse culture, multiple languages, varying climatic conditions, and diverse conditions of rainfall, also food habits, and social rituals. India is a country of over 110 billion population where the colloquial language changes every eight kilometers. In such diverse and vast population any media in only one or two languages cannot be an effective communication. The medium of communication for agricultural and rural development has to be not only regional, but also localized in matters of language, contents and method of putting across the message. The content along with main messages should also include local folk songs, highlights of the importance of local festival, local rituals and talks in local languages. The local community leaders should run the media, decide its contents, language etc. but also become it's stakeholders.


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