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Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology
Year : 2015, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 84) Last page : ( 88)
Print ISSN : 2394-2118. Online ISSN : 2394-2126.

“The study of hepatic artery variation in hepatoduodenal ligament in co-relation with surgical anatomy of liver transplantation”

Kalyankar A G1,*, Shingare P H2, Divan CV3

1Assocaite Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Aurangabad

2Director, Medical Education & Research, St. George Hospital Compound, 4th Floor, Govt. Dental College Bldg., Mumbai, 400008

3Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Aurangabad

Corresponding Author: E-mail: drarchana76@yahoo.com

Online published on 18 December, 2015.



Variation of hepatic artery in the hepatoduodenal ligament is very frequent, hence it is important to identify its branches before any surgery is attempted in this area, because injury to these structures may result in troublesome hemorrhage, even the inadevarant ligation to the right or common hepatic arteries results into hepatic infarction, necrosis or so called liver death. Hence the study of variations in hepatic pedicle is of interest to both surgeons and anatomist.

Aims and Objectives

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the presentation of branching patterns of hepatic artery in the hepatic pedicle. Aim was to study variation of proper hepatic artery and to co-relate its importance in liver transplantation.

Material and Methods

A total of 100 cadavers were dissected as per the routine method with routine instruments. The hepatoduodenal ligament was dissected and hepatic artery was followed towards the porta hepatis. The branching patterns of proper hepatic artery was noted. After collecting the data, statistical analysis was done.


Results showed the normal branching patterns of proper hepatic artery in 86% cadavers and remaining 14% cadavers had variations which were of 3 types.

Discussion and Conclusion

The study shows significant frequency of variations in the anatomy of proper hepatic artery. Hence a detailed study of this structure is warranted before and during hepatic transplant and other procedures in this to avoid postoperative complications such as biliary ischemia, stricture or hemorrhage.



Hepatoduodenal ligament, Proper hepatic artery, Liver transplant.


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