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TNNMC Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : ( 20) Last page : ( 22)
Print ISSN : 2322-0279. Online ISSN : 2456-6497.

Effectiveness of video assisted teacing programe on knowledge regarding management of learning disability among primary school teachers

Ms. Yamini

Asst. Professor, Sacred Heart College of Nursing, Kumbakonam

Online published on 4 December, 2018.


A pre experimental research design was adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programe (VATP) on knowledge regarding management of learning disability among primary school teachers. Sixty teachers were selected through convenient sampling technique. The mean pretest score was 58.63(SD 7.33), whereas the posttest score was 74.4 (SD 4.3). The VATP on knowledge about management of learning disability was effective in improving the knowledge of primary school teachers.



Effectiveness, video assisted teaching program, management of learning disability.


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