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TNNMC Journal of Community Health Nursing
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 18) Last page : ( 20)
Print ISSN : 2322-0244. Online ISSN : 2456-6969.

Iec programme on disaster preparedness among staffnurses


Tutor, Meenakshi College of Nursing, Maher (MU)

Online published on 23 May, 2017.


A disaster is the tragedy of a natural or human-made hazard that negatively affects society or environment. The study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of IEC programme on disaster preparedness among staff nurses at S.R.M General Hospital, Kattankulathur. Quasi experimental, one group pre-test and post test design was used. The sample of 60 staff nurses was selected. The findings of the study revealed a statistically significant (P< 0.001) difference in the pre and post test knowledge on disaster preparedness among staff nurses



Effectiveness, Disaster preparedness, IEC programme.


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