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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year : 2011, Volume : 32, Issue : 1
First page : ( 25) Last page : ( 29)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070.

Season –wise Utilisation of Common Property Resources (CPR) by Migratory Pastoralists: A Case of Gujjar of Himachal Pradesh

Pathania M. S., Sharma K. D.

Agricultural Economics, CSK H P K V, Palampur, 176062, India

Corresponding author e-mail: mspathania@hillagric.ernet.in and msp1960@rediffmail.com

Received:  29  September,  2010; Accepted:  3  January,  2011.


The higher grazing hours were found on CPR lands as compared to own land. Higher number of animals was grazed on CPR lands compared to owned lands in different seasons. The average livestock holding was 13.76 animals per household. Sample household saved fodder by grazing of their animals to the time of about 42 to 90 per cent. On an average per farm per day grazing hours for buffaloes were 9.07, 7.14 and 9.43 during summer, winter and rainy seasons, respectively. About 58% reported that migration of herd was responsible for eradication of weeds. About 10–19% of the farmers reported that the bovine migration had to some extent effect on water bodies and fire hazard in forest area. Attention should be given to rotational grazing and to improve the degraded grasslands. The grasslands should be improved with the introduction of exotic grass species



CPRs, Fodder dependence, Grazing pattern, Pastoralism.


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