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Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (The)
Year : 1967, Volume : 27, Issue : 1
First page : ( 40) Last page : ( 55)
Print ISSN : 0019-5200. Online ISSN : 0975-6906.

Induced Mutations in Bread Wheat

Goud J. V.

Division of Botany, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Delhi-12

Accepted:  16  November,  1966.


To evaluate the efficiency of treatments with gamma rays, fast neutrons and ethylmethane sulphonate in producing mutations in qualitative characters in bread wheat an experiment was conducted with six varieties (N.P. 876, N.P. 872, N.P. 870, N.P. 868, N.P. 863 and N.P. 862). Treated and control seeds of all the six varieties were sown in the field. The growth and survival was much hampered in EMS treatments and 30 Kr gamma irradiation. N.P. 870 was much less affected by EMS treatment as compared to N.P. 876, while the latter was relatively more resistant to gamma irradiation. About 10 and 35 per cent. of chimeras (chlorophyll - ear) were observed in gamma and EMS treated plants respectively in M1, generation.

The spectrum and frequency of visible mutations were studied in M2 generation. The chlorophyll and viable mutation frequency was very high in EMS treatments followed by gamma irradiations. The mutation frequency varied with variety—N.P. 870 was highly mutable whereas N.P. 862 was rather stable, with the other varieties falling in between. (Fig. 11) Gamma irradiations produced more of albina and speltoid mutations, whereas EMS produced more of xantha, viridis, subcompactoid, compactoid and sphaerococcoid mutations. The mutation spectrum was considerably increased in EMS treatments.


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