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International Journals of Marketing and Technology
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 6
First page : ( 73) Last page : ( 86)
Online ISSN : 2248-1058.

Consumer market in India: ”A birds eye view”

Sharma Raj Kumar1, Dr. Mishra Sambit Kumar2

1Research Scholar, Singhania University, Rajasthan

2Asst. Director, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi

Online published on 29 June, 2013.


A rapidly expanding middle class with high aspirations and a growing appetite for quality goods make India an attractive investment destination for consumer goods companies. With the growing economy, not only the per capita income is increasing but number of households in this segment is exploding in double digit growth rate. The rich are becoming richer and richer leading to the economic divide. The young population prefers to have working partner which increases dependency on having all the comforts at home. With both husband and wife working leads to increased buying power and the desire for high quality goods, comforts and luxury especially in the metros. This trend is now going to rural areas as well, as opportunities are increasing and companies are targeting rural India which is where majority of India lives.


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