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Pearl : A Journal of Library and Information Science
Year : 2013, Volume : 7, Issue : 3
First page : ( 157) Last page : ( 161)
Print ISSN : 0973-7081. Online ISSN : 0975-6922.
Article DOI : 10.5958/j.0975-6922.7.3.022

Marketing of Information Products and Services of Academic Libraries

Singh Nirmal

Assistant Librarian, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, India. E-mail id: nirmal02@yahoo.co.in

Online published on 3 October, 2013.


The changing information environment requires library and information professionals to adopt the principles of marketing to justify the existence of libraries within an academic setup and to meet the intellectual curiosity of the stakeholders. This paper provides an overview of marketing and highlights the need for marketing of academic library products and services. The various steps of marketing and tools for promoting library products and services have also been discussed. It is concluded that the use of technology is essential for cornering the fruits of this exigent chore.



Marketing, Marketing tools, Academic libraries, Library services, Information products and services.


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