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Indian Journal Of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2020, Volume : 34, Issue : 3
First page : ( 33) Last page : ( 43)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Production and marketing of cash crops in Sirmour district of Himachal Pradesh

Kumari Rita, Chauhan S K

Department of Economics, Eternal University, Baru Sahib, H.P.-173101

Online published on 27 May, 2021.


The study was carried out to examine the production and marketing of major cash crops in Sirmour district of Himachal Pradesh. A representative random sample of 60 farmers was chosen through proportional allocation for the study. The major findings revealed that production of vegetables varied from 4.42 qtl for capsicum to as high as 18.93 qtl of tomato per farm. The garlic being a spice crop gave of highest production of 22.37 qtl per farm. Resultantly, the marketable surplus of garlic was highest of 99.12 per cent of total production of which 0.40 per cent was kept for home consumption. The production losses of all selected crops were recorded less than one per cent of total production on all categories which shows that farmers took all precautions in the handling of such crops. The marketable surplus was arrived at 97.99, 97.29, 96.15, and 95.07 per cent for tomato, capsicum, beans and peas, respectively. The cash crops of the study area were found to be disposed of through two major channels {Channel I i.e.; Producer → Local Trader →Wholesaler/CA (outside the state)→ Retailer → Consumer and Channel II i.e.; Producer → Local Trader →Wholesaler/CA (within the state)→ Retailer → Consumer}. The garlic was sold in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Gujarat and Delhi markets, whereas tomato, capsicum, beans and peas were sold in Delhi, Karnal, Ambala, Chandigarh and Ludhiana markets. Within the state, Shimla, Solan and Rajgarh were the major markets availed of for the sale of selected crops. The study suggested that if agro processing unit is established near the study villages, it may not only be helpful to enhance the producer's share in consumer's rupee, rather it may create additional employment avenues in the study area.


Key Words

Cash crops, Production, Marketable surplus, Marketing channel, Price spread.


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