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Journal of Plant Disease Sciences
Year : 2009, Volume : 4, Issue : 2
First page : ( 156) Last page : ( 159)
Print ISSN : 0973-7456. Online ISSN : 0976-2388.

Evaluation of Water Use Efficient Genotypes of Groundnut Against Late Leaf Spot and Rust Disease

Deshmukh M. P., Shambharkar D. A., Patil T. R., Patil R. B., Kurundkar B.P.

Oilseeds Research Station, MPKV, Jalgaon-425 001 (MS), India


The field trials were conducted during kharif-2002 at Jalgaon, Digraj, Gadhinglaj, Kopergaon, Karad and Rahuri in the Sate of Maharashtra to study the performance of different water Use efficient (WUE) genotypes of groundnut (Spanish bunch and Virginia type) against late leaf spot (LLS) and rust diseases. Genotypes JALW-20 and JL-501 of Spanish bunch recorded resistant/moderately resistant reaction to LLS and rust disease during kharif-2002 season. In case of Virginia types, JALW-26, ICGS-76 and ICGV-86325 showed resistant/moderately resistant reaction to LLS and rust diseases. However, genotype from Spanish bunch group viz., JALW-48 recorded maximum mean dry pod yield (1858 kg/ha) followed by JALW-43 (1772 kg/ha). Maximum dry pod yield was obtained from Virginia type viz., JALW-30 (1951 kg/ha) followed by JJALW-02 (1949 kg/ha).



Groundnut, Late leaf spot, Rust and Yield.


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