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Journal of Progressive Agriculture
Year : 2021, Volume : 12, Issue : 2
First page : ( 23) Last page : ( 30)
Print ISSN : 2229-4244. Online ISSN : 2278-0556.

Perception of farmers about climate change in Aravalli Region of Rajasthan

Jat Seema1, Bhati D.S.2, Mishra Amit Kumar3

1Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Extension Education, BU, Ajmer

2Senior Scientist & Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tabiji, Ajmer

3Assitant Professor, Department of Extension Education, BU, Ajmer

Online Published on 29 January, 2022.


Climate change is recognized as one of the leading challenges affecting the performance of agriculture and the livelihood of people. Farmers are the hardest hit as they have to continuously respond to climatic variations. In order to understand farmers' perceptions about climate change the present investigation was carried out in Rajasthan Aravalli region. Data were collected on related parameters from 240 farmers of Udaipur, Bhilwara, Chittorgarh and Rajsamand districts of Rajasthan. Majority of respondents belonged to middle age group were literate, had nuclear families with 39.58 per cent farmers having 1.1 to 2.0 hectare land. Majority of respondents (93.75%) said that annual rainfall was decreased and the intensity of decrease in rainfall was showed by 54.16 per cent of the respondents they noted that intensity of the decreased rainfall is medium whereas regarding minimum and maximum temperature and its intensity as perceived by farmers were recorded as almost cent per cent of the respondents (96.66) said that maximum temperature was increased with highly as 53.75 per cent and the respondents also mentioned that minimum temperature was decreased by 45.41 per cent. The results about change in humidity indicate that nearly half (49.16%) of the respondents expressed that humidity was decreased with intensity of decreased in humidity 40.00 per cent of the respondents said that humidity decreased was medium. The data regarding change in growing season of crops indicated that half (50.00%) of respondents say that the late rainy season onset was increased while, 3.75 per cent respondents were reported that early rainy season cessation increased. The majority of the respondents perception that changes in rainfall, temperature relative humidity and crop growing season negative impact of due to climate change.



Climate change, Farmers perception, Rainfall, Temperature, Humidity.


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