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Year : 2021, Volume : 8, Issue : 2
First page : ( 93) Last page : ( 102)
Print ISSN : 2348-7437. Online ISSN : 2454-9533. Published online : 2021 December 09.
Article DOI : 10.30954/2348-7437.2.2021.5

Smart City with Reference to Perception, Features, and Stakeholders

Das Nilanjan

Department of Computer Application, Siliguri Institute of Technology, Siliguri, West Bengal, India

Corresponding author: nilanjan.das81@gmail.com

Online Published on 09 September, 2022.

Received:  17  ,  2021; :  21  November,  2021; Accepted:  12  December,  2021.


Smart city is the advancement of the city or it is called intelligent city. Technology is more advanced and updated in this age. New modern technologies are invented in regular basis and also existing technologies are upgraded continuously. The life style of the people is also changing in this modern age. Nowadays, the people who are residing in the urban area or cities; moreover, they are much depending on the modern technologies. New cities or existing cities need to be constructed as a smart city due to the demand of advanced opportunities, facilities, services, and to build a better life. Smart cities are build by automate the different services with the help of modern technologies. This paper highlights the different aspects of smart cities. This paper describes different features and natures of smart cities. It also highlights on the stakeholders associated with the smart cities. It also describes the prime advanced technologies are used to build smart cities.



Smart City, E-Governance, Smart Transportation, Smart environment, Smart Education, Smart Economy, ICT Applications, Digital Society.


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