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ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 2
First page : ( 22) Last page : ( 34)
Online ISSN : 2249-7137.

Role of HR audit in human resources management

Painoli Girish Kumar*, Dr. Losarwar S. G.**

*Associated Professor & Head, Department of Business Management, V.R.E.C, Dasnagar, Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh, India

**Director, Indira Institute of Management Science, Vishnupuri, Nanded, M.S., India

Online published on 21 September, 2017.


According to present context HRM is "A philosophy of people management based on the belief that human resources are uniquely important to sustained business success. An organization gains competitive advantage by using its people effectively, drawing on their expertise and ingenuity to meet clearly defined objectives. HRM is aimed at recruiting capable, flexible and committed people, managing and rewarding their performance and developing key competencies". In the present scenario, HRM faces many challenges that resulted from various organizational cultural and environmental changes. Fluctuating social and political trends and the recent economic development around the world facilitated the growing importance of HRM in an organization and at the same time posed some challenges. Human Resource Management records, reports and provide information regarding the utilization of human resources in an objective way. However, in most cases this is not sufficient. A critical assessment of work force programmes might be required to find out the areas where there is a need of improvements to set things in order. In place of informal impressions gathered and summarized through records and reports, a systematic and analytical search made to find out the effectiveness of human resource management. HR Audit plays a significant role to accomplish these objectives of Human Resource Management. HR Audit focuses on improving the effectiveness of the HR functions. It provides an overview and evaluation of current HR policies, systems and practices with an aim to recommend ways in which they improve. Its value lies in providing feedback both to the HR managers and to the organizations to how well the HR activities support the organization's overall strategy. Present paper discuss the basic concept of Human Resources Management, Scope, Functions and to assess the role of HR Audit in Human Resource Management i.e. proper utilization of human resources ways and means of HR Audit, scope, objectives, areas, process, advantages and limitations of HR Audit and draw conclusions.



HRM, HR Audit, Scope, Methods, Advantages.


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