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Year : 2011, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 23) Last page : ( 25)
Print ISSN : 0972-5687. Online ISSN : 0974-083X. Published online : 2011 June 1.

Lip Prints as Evidence

Singh Harpreet Dr.1,*, Chhikara Pankaj Dr.2, Singroha Ritu Dr.3

1Assistant Professor. Department of Forensic Medicine, M.M.I.M.S.R., Mullana,Ambala

2Resident, Department of Forensic Medicine, M.M.I.M.S.R., Mullana,Ambala

3Department of Anatomy, PGIMS, Rohtak

*Email: moharamar@gmail.com

Received:  5  December,  2010; Revised:  11  January,  2010; Accepted:  22  February,  2011; :  25  March,  2011.


The United Nation Journal declares that every human has a right to independent identity and its importance cannot be overemphasized anywhere else than in the court of law. Finger prints have long been used for identification; similarly, even the lip print is unique of an individual and hence beholds the potential for identification purpose. In India lipstick is used by females of all socioeconomic status, thus, lip prints can be used to verify the presence or absence of a person at the scene of crime by these prints on the accused or his clothes. The wrinkles and grooves on labial mucosa called as sulci-labiorum form a characteristic pattern called lip-prints and the study of which is referred to as chieloscopy. The study group comprised of 25 females and 25 males. The materials used were lipstick, bond paper and a magnifying lens. Present study shows that lip-prints are unique to an individual and behold the potential for identification of accused especially in sexual offences like rape.



Lip-prints, chieloscopy, accused, identification.



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