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JIMS8I - International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology
Year : 2014, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 65) Last page : ( 69)
Online ISSN : 2347-7202.

A proposal for cloud based e-learning architecture for higher education system in India and its impact

Khetan Mudit1, Dr. Gupta Vinod Kumar2

1Research Scholar, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jagannath University, Jaipur, India. Email: khetan_mudit@yahoo.com

2Research Supervisor, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jagannath University, Jaipur, India. Email: Vinodgupta602@gmail.com

Online published on 22 June, 2017.


The inadequate ICT infrastructure (power supply, hardware and Internet access) in many Indian cities and most Indian towns/villages can prove to be the biggest hindrance in adoption of modern education delivery through e-Learning services hosted on cloud platforms. One other problem that faces many institutions in large cities where physical infrastructure is adequate, is the lack of awareness about the benefits of the cloud based services and absence of a intermediary to assist students/learners, educators/teachers, and other resource partners. In this paper we have elaborated the organizational, technical and conceptual architecture of an e-Learning service system that is centrally hosted and managed and has its resource centres and service providers distributed over a large geographical area. The approach is unique to Indian circumstances where the vast geography, regional differences and lack of connectivity pose a unique set of problems. The paper discusses about the covering the gaps in infrastructure, organizational setup, and resource availability for enabling the benefits of advances in higher education reach the farthest students through a cloud based service.



Cloud Computing, e-Learning, Higher Education, Benefits of Cloud Computing, Impact of Cloud on Education.


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