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Year : 2019, Volume : 43, Issue : 1
First page : ( 23) Last page : ( 27)
Print ISSN : 0250-4758. Online ISSN : 0973-970X. Published online : 2019 March 1.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-970X.2019.00005.1

Age related changes in lymphocyte sub-populations in peripheral blood of healthy weaned piglets

Pandey M.K.1, Rajukumar K.1,*, Senthilkumar D.1, Kombiah S.1, Shrivas S.1, Singh V.P.1

1ICAR-National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases, Anand Nagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

*Address for Correspondence Rajukumar K., ICAR-National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases, Anand Nagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India, e-mail: krajukr@yahoo.com

Received:  14  December,  2018; Accepted:  20  December,  2018.


The pig (Sus scrofadomesticus) has a highly complex and species specific cellular compartments in its lymphocyte population. The aim of this study was to document and analyse the changes in T-lymphocyte sub-populations in peripheral blood of healthy weaned piglets from 5 weeks to 36 weeks of age. Six 5-weekold piglets were bled at weekly intervals. Immunophenotyping of pe-ripheral blood leukocytes (PBL)was done using cell surface markers specific for porcine CD3, CD4 and CD8 by flow cytometry in a multicolour assay. The results demonstrated that the overall relative percentages of CD3+ (total T-lymphocytes), CD3+CD4+CD8α- (T-helper lymphocytes), CD3+CD4-CD8α+ (Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes) and CD3+CD4+CD8α+ (low) (memory/activated T-helper cells) increased with the age of piglets. The ratio of T helper and cytotoxic T cells was around 1:1 at 5 weeks of age and gradually rose to 1:2 at about 36 weeks of age. An inverse relationship with age was observed in the relative population of CD3-CD4-CD8a+ cells (NK cells) in total lymphocytes pool. The results of the present study reiterates the need for use of age matched controls during experimental studies involving pigs.

How to cite this article: Pandey, M.K., K., Rajukumar, D., Senthilkumar, S., Kombiah, Shrivas, S. and Singh, V.P. Age related changes in lymphocyte sub-populations in peripheral blood of healthy weaned piglets. (2019). Indian J. Vet. Pathol., 43(1): 23–27



Flow cytometry, Pig, Lymphocyte subpopulations, Peripheral blood, CD.



The pig (Sus scrofadomesticus) is an important experimental model for immunological studies as well as for study of porcine specific diseases1. Phenotypic analysis of peripheral blood cells specifically T lymphocytes by surface marker staining in flow cytometry is widely used in present times for assessment of cell mediated immunity2. Pig has a highly complex lymphocyte pool which includes cell subpopulations, such as peripheral CD4+CD8+ T cells, that are rare or absent in other species. Some of the peculiarities in pigs are the presence of double-positive T lymphocytes with the phenotype CD4+CD8low+ and CD4-CD8+(low)3. Thus, studies on dynamics of T-lymphocyte subpopulations are interesting. Importance of the pig immune system is increasingly felt in veterinary and human biomedical research because the pig has been recognized as a potential donor for xeno-transplantation. A lot of intrinsic and extrinsic factors like age, gut microflora, environmental factors, diseases etc. may influence lymphocyte sub-populations in blood4. The immune, neurological, and endocrine systems are other considerable regulatory factors, which may be involved in the lymphocyte subsets changes. Specific identification of the various subpopulations of leukocytes enables improved investigations of the immune response to various porcine pathogens such as Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, classical swine fever virus, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and Aujeszky disease virus5,6,7-8. Age related variations in lymphocyte subsets distribution in the peripheral blood have been reported to occur in pigs9. An understanding of dynamics of lymphocyte sub-populations in healthy pigs over a period of time is essential to ascertain and analyse the immune responses elicited by infectious agents and their vaccines.

Flow cytometry provides a rapid method to analyze normal and abnormal cell populations using a small sample volume and the results accurately reflect the in-vivo status of the populations10. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyse the changes in lymphocyte sub-populations in peripheral blood of healthy weaned piglets from 5 weeks to 36 weeks of age.



Experimental animals

Six, 3-week-old healthy crossbred piglets (Large White Yorkshire (LWY) × local non-descript) of either sex, procured from Livestock Farm, Veterinary College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, were used for this experiment. Piglets were quarantined and acclimatized before starting the experiment. Blood samples were collected by puncturing cranial vena cava using vacutainers containing EDTA (BD Biosciences, USA) at various intervals viz., 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 weeks of age from eight pigs. Animal experiments were conducted after due approvals from Institute Animal Ethical Committee (Approval no. 83/IAEC/HSAD1–14), Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, Government of India (Approval no. 25/31/2017-CPCSEA) and Institute Bio-safety Committee (Approval no. HSADL/IBSC/2013–14/121).

Immunophenotyping of peripheral blood leukocytes by flow cytometry

Flow cytometry was performed to determine the phenotype and the frequency of different immune cells in a multicolor immunoassay as described previously11. Briefly, 500 μl of blood was lysed with ELB and cell pellet washed with PBS twice followed by one washing in fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) buffer (PBS buffer, 0.01% BSA and 0.05% sodium azide). The cells were suspended in FACS buffer at a concentration of 2×106 cells/ml and dispensed into two FACs tubes. Cells were then stained with appropriate mAb directly conjugated to specific fluorochrome, One tube was subjected to triple staining with SPRD tagged anti-pig CD3 (Southern Biotech, USA), FITC tagged anti-pig CD4 (Southern Biotech, USA) and PE tagged anti-pig CD8 (Southern Biotech, USA), antibodies at concentrations of 0.2 μg, 1 μg and 0.2 μg per 106 cells in 500 μl of cell suspension, respectively. Antibodies were added and kept in dark for incubation at 4°C for 1 h followed by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 5 min. Supernatant was discarded and the pellets were washed with FACS buffer twice. Washed pellet was re-suspended in 500 μl of fixation solution (FACS buffer with 1% PFA) and incubated for 30 min. at 4°C. This was used for acquisition of data in flow cytometer.

Data acquisition and analysis

Flow cytometry was done using FACSCanto II flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA). Non-specific background fluorescence signals were normalized against unstained PBL and respective isotype control. PBL stained with single fluorochromes were used as compensation controls. A total of 10,000 events per sample were acquired and analysed using FACSDiva software (BD Biosciences, USA). Gating and analysis was done to determine different immune cell populations based on the cell surface marker phenotypes. Lymphocyte cell population was selected based on size on the respective forward and side scatter graph. Subsequent gating of CD3+ cells was done for selection of T-lymphocytes followed by calculation of percentage of CD4+ and CD8+ cells out of total CD3+. The cells and phenotypes selected are as follows. T-helper cells (CD3+CD4+CD8); cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) (CD3+CD4CD8+); T-helper/memory cells (CD3+CD4+ CD8+); natural killer (NK) cells (CD3CD4CD8+); probable B cells (Total lymphocytes minus (CD3+cells+NK cells). A representative graph for gating of the cells is shown in Fig. 1.

Statistical analysis

The variations in the sub population of lymphocytes were analysed by one way ANOVA and Post-hoc analysis was done by Tukey‘s test using Graphpad prism software (Version 8.0.0). p-value (<0.05) was considered statistically significant.



Variation in percentages of lymphocyte subpopulations in healthy weaned piglets from 5 to 36 weeks of age is shown in Fig. 2. The numerical data of percentage of various phenotypes of lymphocytes are presented in Table 1. The results of the study demonstrated that the overall relative percentage of CD3+ (total T lymphocytes %), CD3+CD4+CD8μ (T-helper cells %) and CD3+CD4CD8α+ (Cytotoxic T cells %), CD3+CD4+CD8α+(low) (memory/activated T helper cells) increased with the age of the animal. Percentage of T lymphocytes (CD3+) sub population in total lymphocyte pool is increased from 43±2.5% to 61.9±3.9% between 5 weeks and 36 weeks of age, with a gradual rising pattern. The increase was statistically significant (P<0.05) from 14 weeks of age in comparison with 5 weeks of age. The increase in percentage of CD3+ cells was mostly due to CD3+CD4CD8α+ and CD3+CD4+CD8α+.The percentage of CD3+CD4+CD8μ cells was relatively stable (ranging between 17.7±3.7% and 26.9±0.8) with mild and inconsistent increase from 18th week onwards. The percentage of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD3+CD4CD8α+) significantly (P<0.05) increased from 16.1±4.5% at 5 weeks to 42.0±1.6% at 36 weeks of age.

A gradual increase in double positive, memory/activated T helper cells (CD3+CD4+CD8a+(low)) was observed from 1.0±0.6% at 5 weeks to 7.2±0.3% at the end of the study. The ratio of T helper and cytotoxic T cells was around 1:1 at 5 weeks of age and gradually rose to 1:2 at about 36 weeks of age.

Inverse relationship with age was observed in relative NK cell population (CD3CD4CD8α+), with a gradual decrease from 15th week reaching up to 4.4±0.8% at 36 weeks of age. A decreasing trend in the probable B cell population (i.e. total lymphocytes minus (CD3+ cells plus NK cells) was observed between 14 and 32 weeks of age.



The present study documents the baseline data for percentage of the major lymphocyte sub-populations in PBL of healthy weaned piglets from 5 weeks to 36 weeks of age. T-lymphocyte subpopulations in swine are characterized primarily by cluster of differentiation (CD) marker phenotyping for CD3, CD4 and CD8. T-lymphocytes belong to the adaptive immune system and perform a wide array of functions in immune regulation, inflammation and protective immune responses12. Porcine αβ T cells recognize antigens in a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted manner, whereas the αβ T-cells recognize antigens in a MHC non-restricted fashion. The CD4+CD8 and CD4+CD8+low T-cell subsets of αβ T-cells recognize antigens presented in MHC class II molecules, while the CD4CD8+ T-cell subset recognizes antigens presented in MHC class I molecules. Porcine CD8+αβT-cells are a prominent T-cell subset during antiviral responses, while porcine CD4+αβ T-cell responses predominantly occur in bacterial and parasitic infections. Porcine T-cell responses are also suppressed by some viruses and bacteria13. In the current study, the percentage of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD3+CD4CD8α+) increased about 2.5 times from 5 weeks to 36 weeks of age, while the percentage of CD3+CD4+CD8μ-cells was relatively stable, with mild and inconsistent increase from 18 th week onwards. In a previous study, the absolute number of CD4+CD8, CD4CD8+ and CD4+CD8+ cells increased almost twice from birth till the 6th week of age. After this time, only CD4+CD8 subset remained stable, while the number of CD4CD8+ and CD4+CD8+ subsets gradually increased 1.5- and 2.5-fold from 6 weeks to 5 months of age for CD4CD8+ and CD4+CD8+, respectively9. Hence, proper age matched controls is absolute necessityfor experiments to be conducted using pigs involving a longer duration of time. Pigs also have nearly twice as many CD8+ as CD4+T cells in the blood which is inverse compared to the ratio found in human and murine peripheral T cells14. Notably, swine have a significant population of mature (extrathymic) CD4/CD8 double-positive T cells that represent memory T cells3 and are thus speculated to play a role in memory immune responses. In this study, the percentage of double positive cells increased to about 7 times at 36 weeks of age as compared to 5 weeks of age. The results are in agreement with that obtained by Borghetti and others15, who investigated the age related changes in leukocyte counts of pigs till the 41st day of life. The age-dependent increase in the amount of double positive lymphocytes seems to be the result of antigen-dependent maturation of naive CD4+ T helper lymphocytes to antigen-specific memory T helper cells. It might also be influenced by exposure to many external antigens as the age advances14.

Innate NK cells are the lymphocyte subpopulation known for their ability to provide the first line of defense against viral infections16. In pigs, a precise selection marker for phenotypic analysis of NK cells is not available; however, CD56 is used in some studies17,18. A comparable frequency of CD56+ and CD3CD4CD8α+ cells in the pig PBMC was seen by Dwivedi and others13. There is paucity of information on age related changes in NK cell population in weaned piglets. Though not entirely comparable, a few studies in humans and rhesus monkeys indicated that the number of circulating CD56+CD16+ NK cells reduces with age19.

Proper phenotypic identification of porcine T lymphocytes is an important parameter in designing and evaluation of porcine immune responses. The results of the present study reiterates the need for use of age matched controls during experimental studies involving pigs, especially those requiring evaluation of lymphocytes and their responses to infection or vaccines.



The authors thank the Director, ICAR-NIHSAD, Bhopal for providing necessary facilities to carry out this work. Help extended by Dr. Richa Sood, Principal Scientist in animal sheds is duly acknowledged.



Fig. 1.:

Gating of stained PBL for flow cytometric analysis of cell surface markers.


Fig. 2.:

Variations in percentages of different lymphocyte sub-populations in pigs.



Table 1.:

Percentage of various phenotypes of lymphocytes in healthy weaned piglets from 5 to 36 weeks of age.

Age in weeksPercentage of cells (% of total lymphocytes)Total lymphocytes minus (CD3+ cellsplus NK cells) (probable B cells)
CD3+ (T lymphocytes)CD3+CD4+CD8α- (T helper Lymphocytes)CD3+CD4CD8α+ (Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes)CD3+CD4+ (Activated T helper/memory cells)CD3CD4CD8α+ CD8á+(low) (NK cells)









































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