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Indian Journal of Scientific Research
Year : 2010, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 21) Last page : ( 25)
Print ISSN : 0976-2876.

Agricultural wastes used as casing mixtures for production of button mushroom

Ram R. C.a,1, Kumar S.

Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

aE-mail: rcrbhumpp@yahoo.com

1Corresponding author

Online published on 14 October, 2011.


India can make rapid progress in mushroom industry by cultivating and commercializing of temperate and tropical mushrooms. But, they are still cultivated on small scale in some pockets on a specific substrates and yield potential is not satisfied due to specific casing materials. There are need to evaluate different agricultural wastes as casing materials for enhancing better growth behaviour and yield potential of mushrooms. Initiations of pinheads were recorded after (13–15 days) of casing. Minimum time taken for harvesting of Ist flush by casing with CCP + VC + FYM + SD + Sand and non-significantly with each other treatments. Maximum time taken for harvesting of IInd flush with casing of VC + SD + FYM + Sand, and IIIrd flush harvested ranged of (76.67 85 days). Maximum weight of sporophore was obtained with application of casing CCP + VC + Sand, where maximum length of stalk was recorded from CCP + FYM + SD casing mixture. Finally yield of all flushes recorded, the total maximum yield was obtained by the application of CCP+VC + FYM + SD + Sand, which differs significantly. This study will help to mushroom growers for selection of suitable casing materials for better growth behaviour and yield potential of button mushroom.



Agricultural wastes, casing, growth, yield, Agaricus bisporus.


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