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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2010, Volume : 10, Issue : 1
First page : ( 29) Last page : ( 36)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963.

Effects of Mannanoligosaccharide–β Glucan or Antibiotics on Health and Performance of Dairy Calves

Nargeskhani A., Dabiri N.1, Esmaeilkhanian S.2,*, Alipour M. Mohammad3, Bojarpour M.

Department of Animal Science, Ramin Agricultural and Natural Resources University, Ahvaz, Iran.

*Reprint request: Dr. S. Esmaeilkhanian, E-mail: esmaeilkhanian@yahoo.com

1Department of Animal Science, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran.

2Isfahan Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, P.O. Box 81785-199, Isfahan, Iran.

3Department of Animal Science, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156, Iran.

Received:  25  July,  2008.


Twenty four Holstein calves at birth (initial BW= 40±3.0 kg) were used to study the effects of mannanoligosaccharide–β Glucan (MOS-β Glucan) or antibiotics on health and performance of dairy calves. Calves were assigned randomly to one of three treatments. Treatments included: whole milk with no additives (control), whole milk containing MOS-β Glucan at 4g per meal, whole milk containing antibiotic at 500 mg of oxytetracycline/d. Calves received whole milk twice daily. Water and starter were offered ad lib throughout the trial of 56 days. Body weight were measured at birth and thereafter weekly till 8 wk of age. Starter intake were measured daily. Faecal scores were monitored 3 times per week. Blood samples were collected at 3, 7, 15, 30, 45 and 56 days, and analyzed for total protein, blood urea N, albumin and ratio albumin:glubolin. Analysis of weekly DMI revealed no significant difference from week 1 to 7 among the treatment. The calves fed MOS-β Glucan or antibiotic at 8 week had greater (P<0.05) DMI than control. During at 8 week ADG was significantly greater (P<0.01) for MOS-β Glucan and antibiotic groups. It was observed that calves fed MOS-β Glucan had lower faecal score than control and antibiotic treatments. No treatment differences in feed efficiency and blood samples were detected during the trial. This study showed that MOS-β Glucan can be substitute with antibiotic as a supplement for calf growth.


Key words

Dairy calves, Mannanoligosaccharide-β Glucan, Antibiotic, Performance, Health.


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